Column "Future of RAF--No.3" is now available! This issue discusses "Addressing Misconduct within Johnny's & Associates: A Critical Examination of Japanese Media's Role".

Future of RAF No.3 Addressing Misconduct within Johnny's & Associates: A Critical Examination of Japanese Media's Role The recent revelation of numerous sexual abuse cases involving the founder of Johnny's & Associates has sent shockwaves through the Japanese entertainment industry and the companies that sponsor its talents. While many of the agency's talents have fallen […]

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NIKKEI Financial, a specialized financial media of Nihon Keizai Shimbun, published the new results of RAV (Regional Bank Risk Review), which we designed and prepared

NIKKEI Financial, a specialized financial media of Nihon Keizai Shimbun, has published the new results of RAV (Regional Bank Risk Assessment), which we designed and prepared. 静岡銀行が首位、横浜銀行が2位 地銀実力調査: NIKKEI Financial 日本経済新聞社は地方銀行の実力とリスクを分析する「NIKKEI Financial RAV」の最新データをまとめた。 NIKKEI Financial

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Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) made a speech titled "Human capital management to be established by financial institutions" at the Regional Banks Association of Japan

On September 4, our CEO, Tsuyoshi Oyama, gave a lecture titled "Human capital management to be established by financial institutions" at the Regional Banks Association of Japan for CHROs of member regional banks.

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Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) made a speech titled "GHG emissions estimation for industries/companies based on financial data" at the Japan Financial Services Agency

On August 25, our CEO, Tsuyoshi Oyama, gave a lecture titled "GHG emissions estimation for industries/companies based on financial data" at a luncheon seminar held by the Japan Financial Services Agency for its employees.

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The article on the failure of the U.S. supervisors over the management of regional banks authored by CEO Oyama was published in Toyo Keizai Online

Toyo Keizai Online (June 19, 2023), an online magazine specializing in finance and economic analysis, published an article authored by our president, Mr. Oyama, titled " The failure of the U.S. supervisory authorities over the management of regional banks is no stranger to Japan". We have prepared an English translation of the article, which we […]

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"ANYTIME RISK MANAGEMENT" was renamed "Listing to the Pulse of Global Risk"!

The report's name, published daily under "ANYTIME RISK MANAGEMENT," was changed to "Listing to the Pulse of Global Risk." The report's content remains unchanged, but the basic philosophy behind its creation has been changed as follows. ************************************************************************************ Listening to the Pulse of Global Risk Please listen to the "pulse" of the earth… you will hear […]

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"ANYTIME RISK MANAGEMENT," a gym for training risk management brain, is now open!

Emerging risk management anytime, anywhere, as much as you want--- "ANYTIME RISK MANAGEMENT" was created based on such a concept. ANYTIME RISK MANAGEMENT" provides a menu for training your "risk management brain" every day (around 10am JST) except during business holidays. By reviewing this menu daily and feeling the pain seeping into your organization's weak […]

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Column "Future of RAF--No.2" is now available! This issue discusses "Some lessons we learned from the recent bank failure events".

Future of RAF No.2 Some lessons we learned from the recent bank failure events In March this year, for the first time since the last GFC, the market was enveloped in tension bracing for a storm because bank failure events occurred one after another in the U.S. and Europe. First, in the U.S., Silvergate Bank, […]

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RADB 2.0 (beta version) is now released!

Based on our belief that "the Japanese economy will change if regional banks' management changes," we have been working on a project to "visualize" the management of regional banks. As part of this project, we recently released "RADB2.0 (beta version)," which visualizes the management performance of 99 regional banks from various perspectives based on their […]

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Our CEO, Tsuyoshi Oyama, has been appointed as an Executive Advisor to the Nikkei Financial Technology Research Institute, Inc.

Our CEO, Tsuyoshi Oyama, has been appointed as an Executive Advisor to the Nikkei Financial Technology Research Institute, Inc. Comment from Tsuyoshi Oyama, our CEO "I am very honored and excited to be appointed as an Executive Advisor to the Nikkei Financial Technology Research Institute. With this opportunity, I hope I could make most of […]

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