Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) served as a lecturer at the “Risk Management Research Course - Advancement of Risk Management/RAF Construction and Utilization” sponsored by the Regional Banks Association!

Our CEO, Mr. Oyama, designed the curriculum and served as a lecturer for the three-day training course “Risk Management Research Course: Advancement of Risk Management/RAF Construction and Utilization” held by the Regional Banks Association from September 4 to 6, 2024.

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Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) gave a presentation on climate-related financial risks at a forum hosted by IBM Japan!

Our CEO, Mr. Oyama, gave the following speech at the “Financial ESG Amagi Forum” held by IBM Japan on July 12 at Amagi Homestead. "The Latest Developments by Global Supervisors Regarding Climate-related Financial Risks and the Responses Required of Financial Institutions” Please refer to the following website for the presentation materials (partially abbreviated).

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Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) made several speeches related to the Basel Framework for the seminar for the Central Bank of Vietnam, sponsored by the Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank held a seminar focusing on implementing the Basel Framework for the Central Bank of Vietnam from March 19 to 20, 2024, in Hanoi, Vietnam. There, Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) gave four speeches. "Overview of Basel Capital Accord" "Understanding the Basel Framework for Credit Risk" "Understanding the Basel Framework for Operational Risk and […]

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The article "Deciphering Today's Human Capital Management in Japanese Regional Banks Through Disclosure Information" was published in the monthly Kinyu Journal!

The Monthly Kinyu Journal (February 2024 issue) published "Deciphering Today's Human Capital Management in Japanese Regional Banks Through Disclosure Information," authored by our president, Mr. Oyama. We have prepared an English translation of the article, which we hope you will enjoy reading. The site of Kinyu Journal for this issue is as follows.

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Saloni Ramakrishna's new book "Climate Change Risk Management in Banks" has been published (our CEO wrote the practitioner's note for the final chapter).

Saloni P. Ramakrishna's new book "Climate Change Risk Management in Banks" has been published by De Gruyter. It is the world's first full-fledged practitioner's guide that comprehensively addresses climate change risk from a financial institution's risk management perspective. The final chapter, "Going Forward," includes a Practioner's note written by our CEO, Mr. Oyama.

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Tsuyoshi Oyama (CEO) made a speech titled "Key Points for Building a Risk Appetite Framework for Bank Management" at the Regional Banks Association of Japan

On 28th, November, our CEO, Tsuyoshi Oyama, gave a lecture titled "Key Points for Building a Risk Appetite Framework for Bank Management" for the Bank Management Research Seminar organized by the Regional Banks Association of Japan .

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The article on the new method of estimating CO2 emission authored by CEO Oyama was published in DIAMOND online!

DIAMOND online published an article authored by our CEO, Mr. Oyama, titled "Nippon Steel Corporation, Toyota Motor Corporation, Sumitomo Chemical Company…Independent estimates of "CO2 emissions" of 10 companies! Compared to published values…" The site is as follows (you must sign in to Kinzai Online).

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“On the Beach” and our last days

Future of RAF No.4 “On the Beach” and our last days A few weeks ago, I read an article that reported the US government’s decision to sell several nuclear submarines to Australia. This article reminded me of an old US movie titled “On the Beach.” (In Japanese, “Nagisa-nite”). The movie depicts the last days of […]

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The article on the new method of estimating CO2 emission authored by CEO Oyama was published in Kinyu Zaisei Jijo

Kinyu Zaisei Jijo (November 7, 2023 issue) published an article authored by our CEO, Mr. Oyama, titled "Estimation of Financed Emission by Financial Institutions with 'Visibility' of their Obligors". The site is as follows (you must sign in to Kinzai Online). https://

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"Pulse of Japan Risk," a daily digest of the risks facing the Japanese economy, market, and society, is now open!

We recently opened the page "Pulse of Japan Risk," which shows a daily digest of the risks facing the Japanese economy, market, and society. Please click the "English" button on our site ("Pulse of Japan Risk" is available only on our English site) and put the pointer on "Pulse of Global Risk" in the menu, […]

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